Structure Rules Creation (DTD and EDD) |
The most common reason for converting to Structured FrameMaker is that your clients require delivery of information in SGML or XML, and your current software is not SGML or XML-compliant. This is a two-step conversion process:
Another reason is that they already have SGML files, but their current software leaves something to be desired. The extensive toolset in Structured FrameMaker makes SGML document creation, modification, and maintenance easy. A third reason is the incredible flexibility of formatting that Structured FrameMaker offers, even above the flexibility of FrameMaker. Existing SGML/XML Installation Migrating to Structured FrameMakerIf you have existing DTDs, FOSIs, and SGML or XML files, and you are migrating to Structured FrameMaker, we can assist your staff with the following process: Review documentation processWe recommend this step to see if any part of your documents could be better represented in the structure rules. Review existing DTDTo ensure that the DTD intended for conversion is complete, we walk through the structure rules looking for ways to improve them. Produce itemized task listWe suggest this to prevent "scope creep" and to stay within budget and to ensure that the project stays on track. Trial DTD to EDD conversionWe produce a first pass at an EDD and produce some test documents to check the structure. Trial Structured ApplicationWe convert a few SGML documents to structured Structured FrameMaker documents and test the result. Complete DTD/FOSI to EDD ConversionWe add all the formatting and styles to the EDD and create a template for page layouts. Complete Structured ApplicationWe write all the necessary parts of the Structured Application to allow import from SGML as well as export to SGML, and XML if necessary. Structured FrameMaker TrainingWe offer four courses for new and experienced Structured FrameMaker users. (Learn more about how we teach Structured FrameMaker.)
EDD/Template TrainingWe also recommend training your users in the new EDD and templates to ensure maximum productivity. |