Migrating to Structured FrameMaker |
Existing FrameMaker Installation Migrating to Structured FrameMakerOur process to take existing FrameMaker documents and add structure is fairly straightforward and generally contains these steps: Document analysisWe recommend this step to examine your current documents and find the best way to represent your documents in structured Structured FrameMaker. This may mean additional formats so that when the FrameMaker documents are converted, the data relationship can be accurately represented in a structured document. Produce itemized task listWe suggest this to prevent "scope creep" and to stay within budget and to ensure that the project stays on track. Trial EDDWe produce a trial EDD and create some simple documents to check the structure. Trial document conversionUsing the trial EDD, we convert some documents to check the mappings and structure. This is especially important because by using the "semi-structured" nature of FrameMaker formats, especially paragraph tags and character tags, can speed up the process of adding structure. Interim EDDAfter we have confirmed that structured documents created with the trial EDD is correct, we add in formatting information. We test the formatting by creating some simple documents. Interim File ConversionWhen the formatting specified by the EDD looks correct, we add structure to a FrameMaker document and check it against expectations. Final EDD and file conversionWhen the EDD meets all expectations, we add structure to the entire documentation set. This can be tricky because once a document is structured, it must be edited using Structured FrameMaker; depending on your workflow and how tight your document revision cycles are, we can map out the best order of conversion. Attendant to that is training, so users can immediately start working in the structured documents. Structured FrameMaker TrainingWe offer three courses for new and experienced Structured FrameMaker users. (Learn more about how we teach Structured FrameMaker.)
EDD/Template TrainingWe also recommend training your users in the new EDD and templates to ensure maximum productivity. |